Author Archives: Halley H.

Recognizing and Avoiding Predatory Lending
I’m sure you’ve seen it advertised; low interest payday loans approved for those with low or no credit, with even the ability to build credit when followed on the terms agreement. Sounds great right? Building credit and borrowing money to keep yourself afloat until next payday could just be to good to be true! Well,…

Paying Bills On Time – Still Have Bad Credit?
“I pay my bills on time, but don’t have good credit.” Paying Bills On Time DOES NOT mean you have GOOD CREDIT. Why? Because paying your bills on time – your payment history, only accounts for 35% of your overall credit score! So just because you pay on time, doesn’t mean you will have…

How to Prevent Late Payments
What do you do if you can’t afford to make your minimum payment on your Credit Card? You don’t want to harm your credit with a late payment, so what next? If you make the payment too late (over 30 days past the due date), it will hurt your credit scores, big time. We’re here to…

The Simple Guide to Business Credit –
What is Business Credit? Sometimes called Trade Credit, it is credit that is established under a business’s name. This type of credit permits business owners to use their business credit score and profile rather than their personal credit score and profile for financing purposes. One of the reasons Business Credit is so appealing is that business owners can commonly qualify with…

How To Get Hired in any Economy
Is Credit Score a Factor in Getting Hired? In today’s job market, setting yourself apart from other candidates is the most important strategy to getting hired. In an interview with Jesse G. Rodriguez, author of The Business Owner’s Guide to Keeping Customers For Life, we discussed some tactics and strategies to obtaining your dream job and…

How to DIY Debt Settlement & Credit Negotiation THE RIGHT WAY
Do it Yourself Debt Settlement & Credit Report Negotiation Did you know that you can resolve your debts yourself without compensating a third party debt settlement company? Are you aware that you can trim down your debts yourself by considerable margins? You can even formulate payment plans at 0% interest rate and set up monthly affordable payments. All these things can…

Why is My Credit Report Important
Why Your Credit Report is More Important then You Think… Your credit report is important because it is a snapshot of everything you have ever done in your life that has involved your use of credit. It is very important that you monitor your credit report regularly to make sure there are no inconsistencies or mistakes…

Good Credit means Lower Car Insurance Rates
How does good credit affect car insurance rates? Did you know that car insurance rates are based on your credit score? Most people are shocked when they hear that auto insurers use credit scores to help decide whether to cover drivers and what premium they should be charged. If you are like most people, it may be difficult…

How your Credit Score is Calculated
“Understanding your credit score can be confusing, and often times down-right frustrating. We are going to make it easy for you.” These are the factors that make up how your credit scores is calculated in the order of importance: 35% Payment History – Make sure you make all payments on time. If you cannot pay in…

Save interest with Balance Transfers
Save interest by lowering your interest rates through balance transfers. In the sports world, an ace in the hole is a hidden advantage or resource kept in reserve until needed. In our world at Credit CEO, we refer to balance transfer checks as one of our aces in the hole. You can save money by…