Author Archives: Halley H.

New Year, New Credit! CREDIT CEO Live December 5th
If you missed the last Credit CEO event, don’t stress! There will be another opportunity to attend the Credit CEO event for FREE! Learn how to CORRECT, ENHANCE, and OBTAIN your credit the right way! With the new year quickly approaching, try something different! Start 2016 with financial stability by using Jesse’s proven 3…

Credit CEO Boot Camp LIVE Oct. 17th SEATTLE
We are proud to announce our first, completely FREE, educational and LIVE Credit CEO Boot Camp in Seattle, Washington! There is NO selling here – leave your wallet at home, we will not try to sell you anything. I know you’ve been to a bunch of events where they try to sell you products and…

Benefits of American Express and Good Credit
In today’s consumer world, it’s important to have a sense of security every time you swipe your credit card. American Express is one of the most secure forms of payment, with promises to consumer’s of refunds on any charged item that is not sent as promised or guaranteed by the business owner. This is…

Not Checking Your Credit is Like Not Changing Your Oil
Did you know..monitoring your credit is just as important as changing the oil in your car? If you have ever rode in a car that was well past its date for an oil change, you may notice that it runs a bit rough, it still goes, but probably not to its full potential.…

How to Rebuild Your Credit With Authorized User Account
If you are looking to build or rebuild your credit profile quickly, you may want to consider what is called an authorized user account. What this is, and can do for your credit profile is adopt a friends or family members credit history to a particular account if they have an open line of credit.…

The Most INSECURE Form of Payment
Did you know checks maybe one of the oldest forms of payments, but they are also one of the most insecure methods used today. Checks contain personal and valuable information that can subject you to identity theft, or any kind of monetary theft that leaves your personal information susceptible to fraud. Let me break it…

I Don’t Need Credit, I Use CASH!
The Cash Life Doesn’t Work I’m sure you’ve heard it before…”I don’t need credit, I only use cash!” Would you be surprised if I told you that this is a false statement? Typically, consumers who believe cash is a better alternative to credit often find themselves in a pretty sticky predicament when applying for a…

What is Credit Repair
What is Credit Repair Credit repair has not typically been reputable solution for American consumers . In fact, the phrase is synopsis with fraud. This is the stigma we to often have to face; as we offer a genuine and legitimate alternative to “credit prison.” The repugnant reputation of credit repair often calls for defending our service. Our tactics,…

How Credit Card Balances Effect Your Credit Scores
If you are looking to maximize your credit score to it’s fullest potential, here’s a few key facts that are always good to know. In order to have a positive FICO credit score, you must have open and active credit card accounts with a long positive payment history. Believe it or not, 35% of…

Online Credit Disputes are a SCAM
Online Dispute Systems are a SCAM Did you ever wonder why they are free? Disputing negative items on the online dispute system can actually damage your credit improvement process rather then help! Through sneaky loop holes in the terms of service agreement, the credit bureaus created a way to avoid the middle man (companies like…