Is Credit Score a Factor in Getting Hired?
In today’s job market, setting yourself apart from other candidates is the most important strategy to getting hired. In an interview with Jesse G. Rodriguez, author of The Business Owner’s Guide to Keeping Customers For Life, we discussed some tactics and strategies to obtaining your dream job and getting hired by any employer.
First off, you need to position yourself as the only logical option for the position. Meaning, you can’t be

“personalize your cover letter to fit the position you are seeking, and highlight your strengths that pertain to that specific job”
just another resume in an executive’s inbox with a plain cover letter and a boring email opener. You need to personalize your cover letter to fit the position you are seeking, and highlight your strengths that pertain to that specific job. Being vague in your opener email, cover letter and resume can put you at the bottom of the list.
Second, you need to dress like you are an executive for your interview. Men should wear a black suit with a white shirt and a flat blue, pink, or yellow tie. Women need to wear a black suit with a matching skirt (or black pants) with a flat white or blue high collar dress up shirt. Never wear too much jewelry, or show any tattoos until after you are hired. Always shine your shoes, and have your hair and nails groomed. Statistics show that men are more likely to get hired with a completely shaved face. Women are more likely to get hired with completely shaved legs.
Third, get those credit scores up. 80% of employers check your credit as a prerequisite to being hired. We have heard horror stories about people going through 3 interviews only to learn that they are denied the job because of low credit scores. We recommend that you know what your scores are. Visit and pull a free copy of your report. If your scores are lower than 700, you need to work with a credit professional to get your scores raised. You can get a free consultation by visiting Credit CEO or calling 1-800-216-2725 from 10am-6pm PST.
Fourth, follow up! If you really care about the job, send an email within 24 hours of your interview. Tell them it was nice to meet them, and bring up something that you talked about in the interview that pertains to your particular skills. Tell the executive that you are very interested in working with their company and ask when to expect a call or email. In a sales job environment, it is helpful to remind them that you are a valuable asset and you have a lot to bring to the table with a personal example of how that has been demonstrated in the past.
Last but not least, give great references. Your references need to be expecting the call, and understand what skills that employer is looking for that you can fulfill. If you can get video testimonials from past customers, character references, community groups, or lifelong friends and family, send those testimonials in an email. Videos set you apart from everyone else applying. Videos change the dynamic of your application; they are very popular and severely underused by job seekers in the job market.
We believe that if you follow these easy guidelines, you will soon have a fun, fulfilling, well-paying job that allows you to retire early.
1) Position yourself as the only option for the job, and be different from other applicants.
2) Choose your outfit wisely; you have to play and look the part for the job.
3) Check your credit scores at your scores are low, talk to an expert at Credit CEO
4) Follow up, thank them for the interview, remind them that you are interested, and how you will be an asset to them.
5) Give great references who are prepared for the call, and get video testimonials.