Why Your Credit Report is More Important then You Think…
Your credit report is important because it is a snapshot of everything you have ever done in your life that has involved your use of credit. It is very important that you monitor your credit report regularly to make sure there are no inconsistencies or mistakes that could adversely affect your future applications for credit.
There are three credit bureaus that compile your credit information into one easy to read report. Not all credit reporting companies report to all three bureaus and they are not required to report to any of them. However, you will find that many companies will go ahead and report credit transactions to at least one of the three credit bureaus.
The three credit bureaus are: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. No one company is any “better” than the other. They all have different ways of making credit reports, but they all generally operate in the same way. You can find them easily on the web at: www.experian.com, www.equifax.com, and www.transunion.com.
The FACT Act (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions) was passed in 1997 and provides one free credit report each year for anyone who requests one. You can get your yearly free credit report by going to AnnualCreditReport.com
To get all 3 credit reports for free go to http://MyCreditReportAudit.com. You will have to enter your personal information, and then your credit report will appear directly on your computer. You can then print it out and check it for accuracy.
We can’t stress enough that you should check your credit report on a regular basis. Often, mistakes can be made and you can take steps to remove that information so you won’t be denied credit solely because of an error. The credit reporting companies (or bureaus) are often eager to work with you to repair mistakes. You will need to contact them with proof of the inaccuracy and it will be removed. Since the decision to offer you credit (whether for a credit card, a home loan, or a car loan) is made solely from the information contained in your credit report, you should strive to keep your credit record clean and free from errors.

Why is my Credit Report Important? It’s the gateway to your financial future.
Your credit score is determined by the information in your credit report, and you want your credit score to be as high as it can possibly be so you can get loans for what you need or want. The consequence of getting into trouble with your credit can affect you negatively for years, because your credit report won’t appear good to a potential lender. The lower your score, the more you are considered a risk to the lender of defaulting on a loan. Just DONT get into trouble with credit if you can possibly prevent it!
For professional help with raising your credit score visit Seattle Credit Repair
Or call 1-800-216-2725 from 10am-6pm PST